So you want to find out what you’re capable of. But all the exhausting training plans and nasty, $12 green juices in the world aren’t going to get you there—I promise. I think part of you already knows that. Chances are, you’re pretty damn tired of trying to connect all of the random dots that are all apparently “so important” according to strangers on the internet. I’m here to tell you something different. You’re the expert on your own life. It’s time to assume the throne.


12-Week Personalized Mental Performance Program

Since when have you ever half-assed anything that matters? 

Let’s not start that now.

Because your mind deserves just as much attention as your body… if not more.

As an elite athlete myself, I’ve worked with plenty of coaches over the years. Their expertise has been invaluable, but not for the reasons you’d expect. I know how to create a training plan for myself. I know how to monitor my effort level and put in the work to get where I want to go. You’re probably the same. What had the most impact on my performance was their unconditional support that led me to actually believe in myself.

I decided to take that a step farther. I dedicated years to earning my Master’s in the study of exactly where that belief comes from, how to develop it, and what it means for athletic performance. And the results speak for themselves.

Take two athletes who train under the same coach or follow the same training plan. Every single day, they’re completing the same workouts and logging the same amount of time. Maybe they’re even performing at the same level in training settings. But Athlete A gives their full attention and whole heart to the work they’re putting in, while Athlete B does it for the sake of checking a box. Athlete A also trusts their training enough to set boundaries around it, and give themselves just enough of a physical stimulus to create meaningful adaptations without digging themselves into a hole just for the sake of “feeling accomplished” (a.k.a tired). Meanwhile, Athlete B just keeps trying to check as many boxes as possible because that’s the only way they can perceive improvement. 

When it comes time to put the work into action on the big stage, Athlete A blows their already impressive performance in training straight out of the water. All the dedication, focus, restraint, and—most importantly—passion added up to something bigger than the sum of its parts. Athlete B, on the other hand, couldn’t help but succumb to the pressure. There was no reason for them to pull out all the stops. They wouldn’t know how to do that in the first place. They were also so exhausted from always trying to do more in terms of quantity rather than quality because they didn’t have faith in their training that there was nothing left to pull from by then. 

This is the real story of two athletes I’ve worked with on their mental approach. Since then, Athlete B’s caught up to Athlete A in all respects. But that took time and commitment to change. 

Learning to show up fully for yourself is just that: a learning process. You wouldn’t just sign up for a race or pull onto the hardest route you’ve ever tried without any behind-the-scenes effort and call it good just because you showed up. Your mind doesn’t work like that any more than your body does. Training, whether it’s physical or mental, takes time to sink in. Until then, you can’t expect anything to come naturally.

You can get there. It’s just going to take a little reorienting. 

No matter how well we may know ourselves or how thoughtful we may be, it’s nigh-on impossible to come to these realizations on our own. The same struggles that hold you back in performance are the ones that keep you from recognizing what they even are in the first place… and so goes the vicious cycle.

Pretty soon you’re bound to find yourself repeating mistakes, wasting time, giving up before you try, waking up more exhausted than when you went to bed, losing friends, and forgetting why you’re doing any of this in the first place—all without understanding what the hell happened to the actual fun you used to have out there.

(And yeah, fun matters. It’s your best source of fuel as an athlete because the real thing never runs dry. Let’s get you reacquainted with what that feels like.)

Two heads are better than one. Together we’ll draw connections and lay the groundwork. Common focus areas include:

Preventing & Recovering from Overtraining
⦾ Facing Failure
Anxiety Management
⦾ Focus & Time Management
⦾ Internal & External Awareness
⦾ Self-Confidence
⦾ Attitude & Energy Management
⦾ Quality Training
⦾ Burnout & Rejuvenation 
⦾ Identity & Life Balance
⦾ Managing Injury & Illness
⦾ Resilience & Commitment 

We’ll decide on the particular focus areas that suit your needs during the first meeting. I then write up a comprehensive, personalized mental training plan to tackle all of your unique needs. We’ll tackle one thing at a time to keep you centered, calm, and confident in your progress. In the words of Ron Swanson, “Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.”  

Ultimately, you’ll graduate from Grounded with a full set of tools that you can use to steer yourself through whatever comes up from there. That’s because I don’t want to work with you forever. Not because I don’t love this work, but because I think you’re more capable than that. You don’t need my ongoing support for the foreseeable future. You just need the skills to be your own best support.
Obviously, everyone’s different. That’s the point of us working together one on one. If all athletes could train their brands in the exact same way then you could find a road map in five seconds on the internet. (Feel free to try, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Cookie-cutter training plans don’t know your life.)

That being said, most athletes come to me with some seriously low self-confidence. Confidence in what you’re doing is the foundation for everything else. Without that, it’s pretty impossible to implement any other techniques… because you’re still stuck in “woe is me” mode. So, that’s where things tend to start. From there, we’ll dig into other focus areas where we can put that new-found confidence into action. Think broad to narrow: who you are and what you want into how to actually make it happen. For instance, we might move from confidence into identity or attitude concerns and then onto anxiety management or concentration training before tackling the concept of resilience in the face of failure. I almost always put resilience work last because, let’s face it—failing hurts. We can’t avoid failure, and we don’t want to. It’s a crucial part of the growth process. But I want to make sure that every athlete approaches that topic bolstered by a strong sense of self already in place. You need to have enough self-assurance to believe that failure doesn’t say shit about who you are... just what you can do differently. That’s the only way to make failure work in your favor. 

No matter what specific path we decide on, you’ve got me in your court. I’ll be with you every step of the way to teach new skills, listen to your experiences, and tailor the timeline to match your unique rate of absorption.

Gradual implementation week to week and month to month allows you to act on these lessons in real time, so that you can learn by doing—bit by bit—all within a supportive and instructive environment.

Get started by filling out a Coaching Application to help me learn more about you and get ready to schedule your first session.

Monthly programming includes:

⦾ 60 minute initial Insight Session

⦾ Weekly 45 minute follow up sessions 

⦾ Weekly action plan 

⦾ Daily interactive Mental Training Log 

⦾ Unlimited Slack communication in between sessions

Inclusion in the Inside Out Athletes community throughout the duration of the program

*If you are a parent interested in coaching for a child under the age of 13, please schedule a Q&A call first to discuss specific details*

$1099 (payment plans available!)

Apply for Coaching

Calling all commitment-phobes!

Single 1:1 Consultation Sessions

Extended training not in the cards for you right now?

Interested in dipping your toes before making a deeper commitment to your psychological relationship with sport?

Have questions, concerns, or goals that don’t quite fit into a structured plan?

Meet with me for single consultation sessions on a case-by-case basis.

We’ll discuss your current training routine, relationship with your sport(s), upcoming goals, and perceived strengths + weaknesses.

From there, we’ll identify gaps in your mental approach to sport that we can fill with specific skills & intentions designed with your own goals, timelines, and learning styles in mind.

Each Insight Session includes:

⦾ 60 minute Consultation 

⦾ Mental Training Plan with detailed descriptions of techniques & frameworks that we discuss

⦾ Daily Training Log Template


Apply for Coaching

Inside Out Athletes

Community Membership Program

Outdoor athletes often find themselves starved for community and connection. We don’t get the same automatic family that goes along with being a part of a team.

That’s both a blessing and a curse. We get to be in complete control of our own time and effort, chase our own version of potential, and leave everyone else’s expectations in the dust—because no one else gets to dictate what we’re capable of. And for all the introverts out there, we don’t have to be “on” all the time. We can feel comfortable showing up exactly as we are, whenever and wherever we are. Talk about serious energy savings.

But independence comes with the cost of loneliness. We can’t just turn to a teammate during practice and see if they’re struggling as much as we are. There’s not always someone to celebrate the wins with, or at least not someone that truly understands the magnitude of what you’ve done and what went into it. And because our sports mean so much more to us than merely a way to move our bodies, that loneliness cuts deep. It’s not just about having people to cheer and cry with; it’s about having people to share the most raw version of yourself with.

This is the place to find those people. It’s also the most accessible way to get expertise from a sports psychology professional and work on on your mental performance in a supportive, informative setting.

Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for individual counseling. All 1:1 coaching takes place inside of Grounded. But for athletes who aren’t currently experiencing acute mental performance struggles, or have already spent time in Grounded and want continuing support, an Inside Out Athletes membership is the ticket. And for anyone skeptical about mental training, this group makes a great starting point for finding out what it’s really all about.

Each Inside Out Athletes membership includes: 

 Slack channel for group communication about mental training, physical training, athletic experiences, and life beyond sports

⦾ Opportunity to get quick insight from Lucie on all things sports psychology and mental training within the Slack channel

 Weekly community calls touching on a different theme each week, with time for group support and Q&A

 Daily Mental Training Log Template

Discounts on Grounded and Insight Sessions


Join the Crew

Got questions?
I’ve got answers.

Free Q&A Call

Not sure where to start? Skeptical of investing in mental strength training? Uncertain if you even need support?

All very valid questions. This is still a new field, and we all have important choices to make when it comes to what we pursue in the name of our sport and our passions.

Let’s talk it over.

Book a free Q&A call with me to address your concerns, make sure we’re a good fit, and set you off on the right track.

Let’s Chat


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